Sunday 11:00AM
1839 Long Crescent Drive, Bristol VA

Playground Project

This year, Kingsway is taking on a new project to fill in and level our side lot to put in two fenced-in playgrounds for our children. We are asking our members to prayerfully consider donating towards this project as it is a large undertaking.

Our plan with respect to the playground includes the following:

  • Filling in and leveling out the field area
  • Installation of a double bay swing set with 4 seats
  • Installation of two separate playground structures (one designed for children ages 2-5 and one for ages 5-12)
  • Installation of two benches for seating
  • Installation of fencing to surround the play area and rubber mulch for safety

We are excited about this opportunity to improve our church grounds. This project will start in the next few months.